Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How To Clean After Guinea Pigs!

  1. Take your guinea pig/s out of the cage and put it/them in a safe, enclosed space where they can't escape from. Ask someone around your house to watch them while you clean their cage. This will ensure that none of them will get out or get hurt. If you don't have someone to watch them keep them near you.

  2. Take all of their toys, food bowl, water bottle, and hiding place out. Empty the water bottle and food bowlTake them to a sink and rinse off their hiding place if it can get wet. Then run some hot water and submerge the water bottle and food bowl. Leave them there while you clean out the cage.

  3. Take your cage to where you plan to clean it and get a large garbage bag. Carefully dump the old substrate into the bag. For really big cages, it is handy to have a cat pooper scooper to scrape out the cage. Do not use the same one as yur cat. Buy your guinea pig its own. While you are cleaning the cage, make sure your guinea pig is safe from loud noises, heavy objects that could fall on them, as well as prying cats and dogs!

  4. Spray the inside of the cage down with a 50/50 mixture of distilled white vinegar and water to clean it. This works better and is safer for your guinea pig than any other cleaning agent. If you don't, it just gets nastier each time! For deeper stains and messes, use undiluted vinegar, but make sure to clean off well afterwards! Dry it with a towel or ,if you have the time, you can let it air dry.

  5. Fill up the cage with fresh and clean new substrate. Be sure the cage is completely dry or mold and other fungi may grow in or on the cage.

  6. Put the cage back together (if you took it apart) and put the toys and things back in different positions, or put new things in, to add a bit of diversity and entertainment! Hide their favorite treats in paper towel rools or hang them up buy a piece of string. Now put your guinea pig/s back and watch them conduct a full-on search to find their favorite toy!

Source: WikiHow - Guinea Pig Cages

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