Friday, November 21, 2008

Tips & Warnings

Some talented guinea pig owners manage to use newspaper to roll up the used bedding. If you can make this work for you, the cage cleaning will be much less time-consuming.

If using fleece, you'll need to spot-clean (pick up droppings0 daily, but the weekly cage cleaning will be much less time-consuming.

If you use disposable bedding and allergies are an issue, take the cage outside to clean or wear a surgical mask to keep the dust out.

Use bleach to remove stubborn stains on the floor of the cage.

When buying disposable bedding, please stick to absorbent paper products, such as Carefresh or Yesterday's News, aspen wood shavings or kiln-dried pine. Sawdust and other wood shavings, such as regular pine, cedar or corncob, can cause respiratory infections in guinea pigs that could kill them.

Source: E-How

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