Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Wheekies also really enjoy 'playing' with cardboard toilet roll tubes, they pick them up and wave them around and also nibble them - try stuffing them with hay or hiding treats in them and watch your piggy sniff their treat out.

Some piggy owners have found their piggy's enjoy the type of toys made for birds that are wooden and have bells on the bottom - hung over the piggy's cage, just in their reach so they can 'nose' them and make the bell ring - I haven't actually tried this myself yet but I did give the Wheekies a cat ball which had a bell in it and they completely ignored it so I gave it to the hamster who ignored it too ! See if your piggy likes them, they're all different !

When the Wheekies are out I make the tunnels under a spare double duvet for them to run under and hide in, they often fall asleep under there where it's nice and warm - you could make them a little maze to run through from maybe bricks if they are in the garden, add little boxes as rooms and hide treats around for them to find. They will also enjoy running between all your bits of furniture.

Source: Diddly

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